ad plant waste to energy

Waste to Energy

Wastetoenergy (WtE) technology is a form of energy recovery from waste materials. It converts nonrecyclable waste materials into usable heat, electricity, or fuel through a variety of processes, including combustion, gasification, pyrolysis, anaerobic digestion, and landfill gas (LFG) recovery. WtE technologies provide an economically and environmentally sound alternative to traditional waste disposal methods, such as landfilling and incineration. WtE technologies can also reduce the amount of greenhouse gases emitted, compared to other traditional waste disposal methods. Existing Technologies include:

Thermal (direct Incineration)
Mechanical & Thermal (Pulverisation and Drying for Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF)
Thermo – Chemic (Gasification, Pyrolysis, etc)
Biochemical (Fermentation and Anaerobic Digestion)

WEW Engineering are at the forefront in promoting the development and application of WtE projects, particularly in light of the Irish State’s imperative to dramatically reduce its Carbon Footprint by 2030. We can provide independent initial assessments and Feasibility Studies to determine the technical and commercial viability of any WtE project. Followed up with Design and Engineering. Planning and Licensing requirements, right through to vendor selection, procurement, (tendering process) including, as necessary, site and commissioning supervision.

We aim to promote the circular economy through waste minimisation, waste recovery, recycling and re-use and materials recovery such as nutrients. Of particular interest in the Irish market are the opportunities presented by the Agri-Business and the Food and Drinks Sectors, where the large volumes of readily biodegradable high strength liquid (and solid) wastes generated provide an ideal opportunity for the application of Anaerobic Digestion (AD) technologies with many advantages including:

Biogas Production
Boiler Fuel
Biomethane for Gas Grid injection
Nutrient-rich by-product (fertiliser)
Efficient low energy wastewater treatment (replace costly Aerobic Aeration systems)

anaerobic digestor

Anaerobic Digestion


Biogas as produced by AD Plants, is seen as a significant opportunity for the Agricultural Sector to reduce farming’s carbon footprint, with on-farm AD Plants utilizing biofuel crops augmented with slurries and other Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) waste materials.



WEW Engineering are at the forefront in the design and development of such systems. Having designed and engineered Anaerobic Digestion Plants for Teagasc, several Distilleries, (including Slane Castle Irish Whiskey) and many Dairy Processing Plants.

Advanced UASB Digestor under construction

anaerobic digestion design and build

Innovative Water, Energy & Wastewater Solutions

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