Water Treatment
The Current Environment – Water Treatment
The current Drinking Water Regulations (S.I. No. 122 of 2014) came into force in 2014 and were amended in 2017 (S.I. No. 464 of 2017), these regulations provide the EPA with supervisory powers for public water supplies. Irish Water is now responsible for the provision of municipal water supply to all the main population areas, with some rural areas being served by Group Water Schemes. The National Federation of Group Water Schemes (NFGWS) is the representative and negotiating organisation for community-owned rural water services in Ireland.
Industrial Clients have various requirements for process waters of varying standards and quality, to meet their individual processing needs. For instance, the food and beverage industry requires water for various applications within its manufacturing facilities, where it must be free from undesirable taste, odour, colour and impurities. Water quality is ensured by hygienic design principles to optimize microbial control throughout the treatment process.
Our Approach
At WEW Engineering we cover the full spectrum of water treatment processes, our specific expertise in this area allows us to cover all sectors from Municipal (Potable Water) to Industrial processing of waters typically for Food and Drinks, Dairy, Brewing and Distilling, Pharma and Biopharma industries.
Our team of engineers are available to discuss your particular requirements with a focus on efficiency and sustainability.
Water Treatment Processes
Preliminary design and engineering development, with a focus on the application of the latest technologies and energy-efficient processes, including:
Hydraulics and Pumping
Coagulation and Flocculation
Filtration – Rapid Gravity and Pressure Filters
Disinfection and Distribution
Water Softening
Reverse Osmosis
Process Water Conditioning
Water Treatment Sludge Management
Recycle and Reuse Technologies